Project Identity Card


Logo LIFELogo Natura 2000

Logo LIFE-Lomme

General Objective

The LIFE-Lomme Project is seeking to restore several natural habitats of great biological interest , found on the one hand in boggy environments up on high plateaus, and on the other, at the floor of brook-sourcing valleys. It is a question of boggy birch stands (91D0*), riverside alder groves (91E0*), upland peat bogs (7110*), degraded peat bogs (7120), wet heathlands (4010), acid low-marshes (7140), megaphorbia (6430), dry heathlands (4030), hay meadows (6510) and nardia (6230*). The restoration of high-altitude beech groves is also envisaged.

All of these various habitats, because of their rarity and their fragility, and on account of the great biodiversity that they shelter, are concerned by the European “Habitats” Directive, which recognises their great heritage value on a European scale and the need for ensuring that they are protected, managed and restored.

The LIFE-Lomme Project ensured the restoration of 430 hectares of boggy and wet environments


Abandonment of coniferous forestry and obtention a sustainable nature conservation status*120 ha231 ha
Abandonment of leafy forestry and obtention a sustainable nature conservation status20 ha34 ha
Acquisition of private land for restoring natural habitats and founding a sustainable nature conservation status thereon30 ha32 ha
Restoration of natural habitats by the elimination of coniferous trees on boggy. very hydromorphic or alluvial soil100 ha202 ha
Restoration of open habitats by the selective felling of leafy and coniferous tree regenerations70 ha161 ha
Restoration of the hydrous quality of sensitive areas by the plugging the drainage network, and by the creation of dams and ponds

20 km of neutralised drains. 40 large ponds.

1 km of mineral dams

24 km of neutralised drains. 96 large ponds.

1500 m of mineral dams

Restoration of boggy moors or moors degraded by Molinia by removal of sod cutting and revegetation15 ha15 ha
Restoration of diversified regeneration in leafy habitats by installation of exclosures for protection against animal gnawing20 ha23 ha
Initiation of management by grazing (fixed exclosures) and by reaping10 km of fences and 10 hectares of mown land19 km of fences and 30 hectares of mown land
Raising owner awareness and public reception of sensitive landLeaflet, brochure, website, 15 info panels, final symposium, final report leaflet (PDF-1140 ko) , half-yearly brochure, 16 info panels, final report


Means and Human Resources


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