- Accueil
- Espèces
- Biotopes
- Sites
- Invasives
- Législation
- Agir
- Apprendre
- Appel à projets ‘Biodiversité Entreprises'
- Appels à projets végétalisation
- Bords de routes
- Droit de tirage ligneux indigènes
- Fiches pratiques
- Invasives
- LIFE Intégré
- Observer
- Parcs naturels de Wallonie
- Parcs nationaux
- Pollinisateurs
- Projets LIFE
- Stratégies Biodiversité
- Subvention BiodiverCité
- Subventions à la plantation
- Trame noire
- Natura 2000
- Actualités
- A propos
The EUNIS Database web application provides access to publicly available data in a consolidated database. The information includes:
- Data on Species, Habitats and Sites compiled in the framework of NATURA2000 (EU Habitats and Birds Directives),
- Data collected from frameworks, data sources or material published by ETC/BD (formerly the European Topic Centre for Nature Conservation).
- Information on Species, Habitats and Sites taken into account in relevant international conventions or from International Red Lists.
- Specific data collected in the framework of the EEA's reporting activities, which also constitute a core set of data to be updated periodically.